Have you ever paid a compliment that didn't have good results? Well, here's how to not commit another mistake when being nice.
1. Compliments are all about the other person. Focus on them, not how you think of them. For example, say "You look fabulous in that sweater!" rather than "I like how that sweater looks on you." If you want to really make them feel good, try saying, "You make that sweater look good."
2. Make eye contact and smile! Showing you are confident in yourself will lend more weight to your compliments and avoid that feeling of insincere flattery or hero worship.
3. Don't just pay attention to someone's looks--there are all kinds of good things about people if you pay attention! "You have a beautiful smile" is good, but adding "and your cheerful personality brings out the smiles in everyone around you" is even better.
4. Pay a sincere compliment! Being fake is not going to help you.
5. Don't compliment him/her too often, it can be really annoying and strange.