Home Company Testimonials Finally...a stand up company
Finally...a stand up company
By Marsha, 2010-03-09
I saw that US Loan Auditors wrote an article in response to Jerry Brown’s announcement about fraudulent audit companies. I personally thought that it was great to see a company who is in the business that Jerry Brown was referencing to make a supportive statement. If only more companies were that straight forward and honest.
By Yasmine, 2010-03-09 19:29:22
I haven’t seen that article and haven’t seen Jerry Brown’s announcement. Can you direct me as to where I can see a copy of the article and Mr. Brown’s announcement?
By Tess, 2010-03-09 22:17:16
USLA is a great company and I am very happy with their services. My case was recently settled and I was lucky enough to not only win but walk away with a small monetary compensation. It’s nice to know that someone out there is on your side!
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