KD Kanapony
By Dave Thomas, 2010-03-29
Hi! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for you excellent products and customer service!
We purchased a money blower machine for our sister station WKHQ and a Majestic Canopy for station WLXT. The products are in invaluable asset. When we participate in multi-station remotes, the money blower (KH Kash Kube as we call it) makes us the center of attention hands down. We've had people buy remote packages for the sole purpose of having our Kash Kube present.
We've had similar results with our canopy for WLXT. With this one piece of equipment, we are instantly able to look like a professional, major market operation when we go on remotes. These products are killer.
As far as I'm concerned, you've established a customer for life with your high-quality products and excellent customer service! Thanks so much for everything you've done...Keep up the good work!
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