My wife rocks!!!
My wife ROCKS. While I rarely get BJs, otherwise I'm very pleased. She services me most mornings, without getting all mushy about it. Sometimes she even brings in coffee and breakfast right before she jumps on it. She keeps my rowdy kids away from me while I'm working. She lays the smackdown on my chillins when they need it. She works her buns off, and is always zipping around the house DOing stuff. Which may explain why she's got the hot body of a 20 something, even after 4 kids and 15 years of marriage. She makes the house pretty - within the severe limits I put on her budget. She cooks, cleans, does laundry and doesn't complain like some whiny feminazi. She's super positive. She posts positive motivational messages throughout the house and does her best to live by them. She is liked by everyone who meets her. She is the center of my life and the cause of so much happiness in my life. My wife is awesome!!!
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